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Old 10-09-2010, 03:09 PM
FSUZeta FSUZeta is offline
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Originally Posted by 33girl View Post
IMO this isn't a good sign. Either they don't think you are sorority material or else they think the sororities that ARE doing spring rush aren't right for you and they don't want to recommend them. Even if their groups don't rush in the spring, they shouldn't be completely clueless about it.

Don't ask random sorority women about which is better. Find out who's rushing in the spring and if YOU like them go for it - because most likely, unless there's a junior quota, they'll be the same groups you are invited back to in formal rush.
i would guess that that is not the case-that her friends are in more popular chapters and know that their houses rarely take anyone who is not a freshman, and the chapters that might be able to participate in spring recruitment are ones who traditionally are not as popular with the pnms. they know that the op is probably not interested in those chapters. believe me, there is nothing wrong with those chapters, except the stereotypes which are unjustly perpetuated on campus.

I would say go thru spring recruitment, meet the sororities who have a few slots to fill and see if you are offered a bid-that may be your only chance, since you will be a junior in the fall. what's the use of being able to see all the chapters when many of them would not pledge a junior except in the rarest instance and the same chapters that you could join in the spring would be the only ones that might offer you a bid in the fall?
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