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Old 01-27-2002, 11:07 AM
justamom justamom is offline
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Carnation, you and I have had so many exchanges (and I'm certain there will be many more) on this subject. You really did hit the nail on the head regarding this situation.

This is slightly off topic-One bright point is, if you want to call it that, those girls that are rushing and get cut from the one or two sororities they have focused on will often drop out. At least that's what happened to several I know. This opens up the "spaces" for other girls. In a way, it weeds out those who look upon membership purely as a status symbol rather than a sisterhood within the Greek system. Who knows, it might make the system as a whole stronger.

Back to topic-it's hard to see these young ladies face disappoint-ment, It's even harder in some cases to know what to say when
you can feel their hurt in their posts. If we could do anything to help them understand that it is NO REFLECTION of their worth, it's really a lot of variables and a touch of luck. I'm glad you posted this. I think we all will choose our words more caefully in the future.
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