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Old 07-31-2010, 09:21 PM
KSUViolet06 KSUViolet06 is offline
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Originally Posted by 33girl View Post
Sorry, but this made a tangent pop into my head. I know at some schools when you accept your bid, it's basically in front of the whole Greek community - running to the group, announcements and the like. I wonder if this sometimes doesn't deter women who MIGHT have given a lower-tier chapter a chance if instead of such a public display, that maybe sorority members came to individual girls' doors and gave them their bids?

I mean, some people are not going to be happy no matter how bids are given, but the thought of 1) publicly embracing a chapter you're not sure how you feel about yet and 2) having to keep a stiff upper lip when you see girls running to the chapter you had your heart set on would have been enough to freak me out. A more discreet type of celebration - or a presentation after initiation when the women are actually members - just sounds better to me.
I know that at my school, we do this (you are announced, then you run).


Before that happens, you line up and go into the Greek Life Office individually to get your bid. You are free to accept or decline, and if you accept, THEN you go line up to run out.

If you decline, you leave.

So if you're running out, it's because you decided to give it a shot.

I think the running out part is good and bad.

I've heard some girls say that they were iffy UNTIL they ran out and saw people yelling for them and holding up signs for them.

Others were not so thrilled because they had to watch other girls run to their top choice.

"Remember that apathy has no place in our Sorority." - Kelly Jo Karnes, Pi

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