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Old 12-21-2008, 02:08 AM
33girl 33girl is offline
Join Date: Sep 2000
Location: Hotel Oceanview
Posts: 34,493
Because too many people start a new group to be "something different" only to find out a year or two down the road, after much work and discouragement, that there was ALREADY a group out there that would have met their needs. "A very special group of ladies" doesn't exactly scream new and different, nor does "women and men of excellence." It's like the corporatespeak that says nothing. Founderitis is a very dangerous disease, and should be cured ASAP.

OPhiAGinger - too many high school sororities are run without any sort of a governing board like NPC or NPHC to keep things fair among groups and keep them from turning into nothing more than cliques, and with little adult input to help regulate risk. I don't think these groups (unless affiliated with a national GLO or an adult organization) are a good idea.
It is all 33girl's fault. ~DrPhil
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