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Old 10-12-2006, 05:24 PM
AChiOhSnap AChiOhSnap is offline
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Originally Posted by PeppyGPhiB View Post
Really? I can't imagine my school's registrar office bothering to note my extracurriculars on my transcript...well, in fact I know they didn't, because I've seen my transcript. Is this really common?
Hmmmm... well that's just what my school does, and that's how another school found out (albeit after the fact) that one crazy PNM was indeed initiated into an NPC sorority at the school she transferred from. Someone just missed her record of membership in her file when they were registering her for formal recruitment. I don't actually think it's written on the transcript proper, but a part of the general transfer packet of materials sent from one school to another (along with health records, discipline records, etc.)

Maybe it's more common at smaller schools... I dunno.

I also know my formal recruitment application had a place for me to sign that I had never been initiated as a member of another NPC and a place to give my SSN#, so I figured there was some sort of background check. Maybe some places do check up on it and some others don't.

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