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Old 11-26-1999, 04:08 PM
Posts: n/a

Starting a new organization:
Hi!! I am currently president of the National Panhellenic Council at my university. There is currently a group of women that are trying to start a new organization. First you should see what the campus requirements are to pledge (cum and credit wise--ours is 2.0 and at least 12 credits) second you need to know how many organizations are already on your campus and you should speak to the head of greek life and your university provost. There are 26 national sororites that belong to NPC-if you want to be national you should contact one of those organizations. Now first to become recognized locally you have to consult the university provost and see if there is a campus total--meaning once an organization has reached ex.45sisters they cannot take anymore until some graduate. Now if no organization is even close to total the liklihood of becoming an organization is slim, and national will look at total also, if there are not any organizations close to that your group may not be picked up. Well these are just a few hints and requirements to go by. Hope it helped some!! Good Luck!!
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