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Old 01-26-2018, 01:16 PM
PhilTau PhilTau is offline
GreekChat Member
Join Date: Dec 2015
Location: Oregon
Posts: 176
COB provides a great opportunity to get members that otherwise would never join a sorority.

Focus on successful sophomores and juniors. Maybe target juniors that have transferred from junior college and who've likely been told that they had no chance at a sorority because they are juniors. (Keep in mind that these women may have been superstars at their junior college who will quickly become leading members of your organization. Get them quick while they are still under the radar.) It wouldn't hurt to ask the university administration for a list of women who have transferred in as juniors. Then go out and meet them.

I'd also look for women who may be science or pre-med majors who didn't think they had the time when they were freshman - then treat them like they are the head cheerleader.

Alert members to always get the names and numbers of anyone (repeat anyone) who may casually ask about your sorority and then be sure to have someone follow up and actually go meet with them. (You know - like Campus Crusade for Christ does.) If your members have boyfriends or just guy friends, ask them the names of girls they know that may be interested. Then go and get to know them.

Lastly, if your sorority has expensive dues, be sure to discreetly take this into consideration on who you try to recruit.
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