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Old 09-15-2015, 10:15 AM
irishpipes irishpipes is offline
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Originally Posted by BiosVida View Post
Hello, my name is Heather and I am a newly appointed Recruitment Advisor. One part of my position that I am still really confused on is how the bid matching process works exactly. The reason I ask is because of the following scenario. On my campus there are 3 sororities, we will call them A,B, and C. I am a part of sorority B. At the end of the final round the pnms turn in their preference sheet and we turn in our bid list. It is a rule that generally you have to be invited to a sorority's preference party in order to be on their bid list. So in a specific instance, PNM "Jane" was invited to the preference party of sorority A and B. Jane then ranked the sororities as follows B, C, A. If the quota was to give out 19 bids, and "Jane" was within the top 15 of sorority B's bid list, should it be possible for Jane to get a bid from sorority A, rather than her first choice of sorority B. I guess I'm just really confused about how the bid matching process works.
If she ranked B first and was on their first bid list, she will match to B.
Adding 's does not make a word, not even an acronym, plural