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Old 06-30-2014, 04:10 AM
NinjaPoodle NinjaPoodle is offline
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Roots and Wings
The quote from the pillow given to Suzanne by her grandmother:
Dear Little One,
I wish two things;
To give you roots.
To give you wings.

Julia confronts, and then comforts, a very tearful Suzanne who doesn't want to give up Li Sing.
SUZANNE: Well I sure made a mess of things this time, didn't I?
JULIA: Not yet. In a few more hours they'll be talking kidnapping.
SUZANNE: I wish I'd never met her. She thinks I'm wonderful. She even loves my cooking.
JULIA: You don't cook.
SUZANNE: Well, I know that, but she doesn't! Li Sing's the first person who's ever loved me just for me.
JULIA: She's not the first. She's the third.
SUZANNE: What? you mean my ex-husbands?
JULIA: No, silly. Mother and me. We love you just for you.
SUZANNE: Yeah, but you don't think I can do anything.
JULIA: That's not true. I just said I didn't think you were cut out to be a mother.
SUZANNE: You mean unlike the four billion other women on Earth? Thanks a lot.
JULIA: But you do something nobody else can do.
JULIA: I don't know what it is.....exactly.....that you do. I just know nobody else is doing it, or can do it, like you do. You giving away your pillow?
SUZANNE: Yeah. I wanted Li Sing to have it.
JULIA: I think Grandma would like that. I remember when she made these for us. Roots and Wings. We sure got our share didn't we? Suzanne, I'm going to say something pretty harsh, but I'm saying it because I love you. Just once in your life, don't put yourself first.
SUZANNE: I'm not, Julia. I'm thinking of Li Sing.
JULIA: No, you're not. You're not thinking at all. You know, in your heart, that she's better off with this couple. If you love her, like you say you do, give her wings.
SUZANNE: I just didn't expect to fall in love with her. I know, you're right. I know. Ok, I'll do it.
Julia takes Suzanne's hand and starts to cry herself.
JULIA: I'm so happy for you.
JULIA: Because, now. . . you know what it feels like to be a mother.

Oh Suzannah pt 1

Part 2
I cry every time I watch this episode.
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