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Old 05-03-2014, 07:55 PM
LAblondeGPhi LAblondeGPhi is offline
GreekChat Member
Join Date: May 2006
Location: GMT + 2
Posts: 841
Are you already using affiliate links of any kind? Several blogs I follow use affiliate links through Amazon and ask readers to make their Amazon purchases using them.

Now this is a little bit of a crazy idea - and I mentioned it in the "What to tell overconfident PNMs" thread - but I think the GCers here could put together an annual recruitment guidebook for sale on Amazon Kindle.

I'm thinking it could basically be a compilation of several of the greatest hits of stickied recruitment threads - approximate recruitment dates, recommendation guidelines and help, websites, clothing guidelines, insider perspectives, do's and don'ts, recent pledge class sizes, upcoming colonizations, etc.

It's sad, but human nature, that plenty of people value the information from a source they pay for than from free internet resources. I bet you'd get plenty of parents and inbound college women who would pay $10 for an "official" guidebook. Other people would pay just so they don't have to take the time to scroll through lots of threads.
I heart Gamma Phi Beta
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