Thread: D&R Random
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Old 03-10-2013, 03:04 AM
PrettyBoy PrettyBoy is offline
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Originally Posted by Phrozen Sands View Post
I think it seems that way with women but not necessarily with men. Women seem to want men who are either on the same or higher financial level that they are on, if they are women with professional careers making money. With men, it could be a woman working an entry level job at McDonalds making pennies. But, if she's really attractive, and has her head on straight, a guy will still show interest, even if he is on a higher professional/financial level.
I can't blame you for wanting a companion you're going to be physically attracted to, but you made it seem as though women don't go after "looks" like men do. Initially, your appearance is just as important to a woman as her appearance is to you. After that, it is what you say and do that bears more weight.

You bring up finances which is cool, because they are important. But IMO, I think most women are attracted to men who have a sense of self and direction in their lives. When a man is unstable (not saying that you are) or unsettled concerning his career or what he wants to do with his life, it makes a woman nervous to some degree. If she's nervous, she cannot relax and entrust her heart to his hands. She's generally going to look to a man for stability, not necessarily having a ton of money, because many women are making more money than men are. So, be careful placing too much emphasis on money, although it is important.

Money/finances/career is a factor for some women, but what is also important to most women is his ability to commit to her. Men who are inconsistent cause her to question his intentions toward her. I think a lot of women are generally going to be at their best in relationships when she feels secure that her man's desire for her cannot be broken. She wants, above all, to be able to depend on him for the steady, willing supply of his very best -his sincere and demonstrated devotion and commitment to her. She wants to feel secure and safe.

You also mentioned that you want a decent woman, but both men and women say the same thing. They want a partner who is "about something". Yet, most people who say this are not really doing anything significant themselves. They're not willing to get the training and experience, be mentored, or work hard enough with their gifts and talents, so they settle for mediocre jobs that do not express who they really are. The key is being what you want to attract, man. A man who does not have his act together (not saying you), he will never be comfortable with a woman who does. He would only resent her accomplishments and feel belittled by them. Even if it doesn't matter to her, he would still imagine that it does. So in a sense, I understand why a woman would not be interested in a man who is not on her level financially, spiritually, and mentally, or who has no clue where he wants his life to go.

Good luck, I hope you meet that special someone who will make you happy and vice versa.
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Last edited by PrettyBoy; 03-10-2013 at 03:33 AM.
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