Thread: Help!
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Old 01-13-2020, 10:55 PM
GoldenAnchor GoldenAnchor is offline
Join Date: Jan 2019
Posts: 65
Originally Posted by Stuffy1 View Post
Golden Anchor, during the recruitment process my daughter asked her advisors for advice via text message and in person. Those are the texts I am referring to. Yes, there was an adult in the room during signing and, in a perfect world, my daughter would have asked that person to clarify but, because she had already asked her advisers 2-3 times she didn't think to do so, unfortunately.
Whether or not her recruitment guides (advisors) mis-informed her, it's very likely, if not almost guaranteed that they explained exactly what she was signing before she signed it. I volunteer for preference round to explain MRABA and submit preference rankings - the volunteers are trained on what to say and how to answer questions, as well as asking questions if a PNM seems to eager to just sign and not look at the MRABA. Because of this I think your daughter might have a hard time arguing that she didn't understand that COB wasn't an option after she signed. Having also attended a smaller campus with deferred recruitment, I would fully prepare your daughter for the fallout that might come from her quitting because she didn't get her top house (because it will likely be perceived that way no matter how it's spun). I'm not saying it's impossible, but many comments above are correct, deferred recruitment is an entirely different beast, knowing sorority women ahead of time is both a blessing and a curse.
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