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Old 01-06-2019, 06:56 AM
FSUZeta FSUZeta is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: naples, florida
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There really is no point pining over a chapter that is no longer on a PNM' s list. It's history at that point.

It's been said before, but is worth repeating. With every round comes new opportunities to see the chapters that remain in the mix with fresh eyes. Ideally the PNMs will look at their remaining choices and choose new favorites from their lists.

Our jobs as parents is to teach our children to deal with disappointment; to pick themselves up and start all over again. Help them remain positive. Daughter didn't get a full schedule? Focus on the positives. Parent can tell daughter how lucky she is to have been invited back to some of her favorites and what an opportunity to get another chance to see some she wasn't so sure about. How lucky that she will have breaks throughout the day so that she can rest( and rest her voice!)and think deeply(perhaps make notes)about the choices she does have. Don't let your worrying bleed over into your conversations with your daughter. Commiserate with her if she is disappointed and then quickly begin to point out positives. Be upbeat. And drink wine.
I live in Fantasyland and I have waterfront property.
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