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Old 08-05-2010, 09:55 PM
Elephant Walk Elephant Walk is offline
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Originally Posted by Senusret I View Post
^^^ Random question.... how many meals does the fee pay for? It really doesn't sound that expensive for me when you consider all the little orientation fees and activity fees that sneak up on you at the start of college.
One for each night of rush, so four nights I believe.

It doesn't actually "pay for a meal", the fraternities bring in food (sometimes catered, sometimes their own chef) during rush. The middle "party" (these aren't actually parties in the booze/women sense, but thats what they call 'em), you always eat there at the house. Some houses are famous for what they serve during the party. One has steak and sushi, while AGR (agri/social country fraternity) always does their famous catfish that all the Rho Chi's try to run to their house during the middle meal. Some rushees even intentionally keep AGR just so they can eat that meal.

Originally Posted by TKEOFO View Post
So you have to pay this fee before rush week or before the semester starts? and does the school get it and then give it to the organizations?
Before rush week, but you can pay for it before the semester starts.

The IFC keeps the money.
Overall, though, it's the bigness of the car that counts the most. Because when something bad happens in a really big car – accidentally speeding through the middle of a gang of unruly young people who have been taunting you in a drive-in restaurant, for instance – it happens very far away – way out at the end of your fenders. It's like a civil war in Africa; you know, it doesn't really concern you too much. - P.J. O'Rourke

Last edited by Elephant Walk; 08-05-2010 at 10:37 PM.
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