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Old 09-07-2017, 03:20 PM
KSUViolet06 KSUViolet06 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2003
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Originally Posted by HappyMom2 View Post
Is there a position within a sorority that handles this? My daughter has so many tests and papers coming up, but her sorority has events planned nearly every day. With it being the beginning of the year, they have big/little reveal, chapter meeting, new member education, an exchange, step show practice, sisterhood retreat, etc. all this week and she doesn't know when she can find time for homework or studying. The exchange is the only event that isn't required of those listed. She knew a sorority would be a time commitment and she is used to being busy, but this is more than she expected. I am thinking there has to be someone in the sorority for her to talk to about needing time for schoolwork instead of having to just drop the sorority altogether. Do you know who that would be?

The VP of NM Education or whichever officer works with the new members through their education period. She is used to women coming to her in those first few weeks super overwhelmed and will be able to talk her through it.

With that being said, you can't just walk up to your NM Educator and tell her "I can't come to this. I have school."

Some advice:

1. Part of their education period is being in community with other NMs who are going through the same thing, too. They can form study groups, have study dates, link up with women who are taking same classes, etc. I'd suggest that.

2. Your planner is your friend. Use it. If you know that project is due 3 weeks from now, look at your planner and see best times to work on it now. Ex: If project is due during Big Little Week, work on it now.

3. Know when to say no. Ex: If a bunch of girls are going to Starbucks, or going out, or going to the house to hang, you need not go every time if you know you have school stuff to do.

"Remember that apathy has no place in our Sorority." - Kelly Jo Karnes, Pi

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