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Old 06-26-2019, 02:42 PM
33girl 33girl is offline
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Originally Posted by PhilTau View Post

Do the activities suggested in prior posts; however, I would differ about having alumni attend events. Keep alumni as far away as possible from any of your events and away from your new members. The reason for this has been discussed in other inquires. It is because alumni tend to tell "war stories" about how bad they were hazed and it will give new and existing members ideas on how to get into even more trouble than you have already experienced.
Or it could be that part of the reason the chapter has gotten into such dire straits is BECAUSE the alumni have distanced themselves from the fraternity and the only accountability is to a distant national office. There are times when alumni make things worse, but to put a blanket prohibition on all of them from every chapter is absurd. You know best what your situation is.

Make rushing upperclassmen (especially those with experience in other organizations) who want to start something new your first priority, and freshmen a distant second. The last thing you need is a chapter that is 75% guys who still can’t find their around campus. Nationals love to start “fresh” like this, but unless there is CONSTANT intervention (as in live In consultants) it is pretty much always a total flop.
It is all 33girl's fault. ~DrPhil
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