Thread: So, recs...
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Old 08-19-2020, 01:56 PM
KiteChick KiteChick is offline
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Originally Posted by Jen View Post
But they aren't just introducing those girls - they're introducing every PNM. The small-town/out-of-state girls are still lost in the shuffle.

I feel recs went from being a way to introduce someone special to the chapter to something everyone has to have, therefore rendering them useless.
I agree with the concern of the current state of getting recs. I don't disagree with having alumnae/collegian provide great insight on a potential member. To me, the value of a rec is lost when a member HAS to get them (and saying 2 is better than 1, etc.)

How are recs used by chapter members? Ideally, they would all be read and utilized as part of the process. Can a rec that comes in at the 11th hour truly be useful if you are inundated with tons of them at the same time and recruitment is about to start?

Are recs used as part of the selection process. For example is it just a box that is checked that member met that requirement (a check for 1, another check for 2, etc.) Is is utilized as bonus "points", again, not taking into account what information is provided, just that a PNM fulfilled that obligation.

I say these things not to downplay recs, but to look at their value. If I am writing a rec for my friends daughter that I have known since birth and I think she is fabulous and would be such a great addition to a chapter and that rec is of equal value to a rec that was written by someone who really didn't know their PNM, just doing it because they need it...where is the value in my rec. If all members "have" to have a rec for some groups (and in some cases multiple recs), what value is it bringing to the process?

Also, some groups may not have options to note concerns about a PNM, some do, but some don't. Or, what if a rec was done and it was to share concerns but the chapter didn't properly review and then gave positive credit to the PNM for obtaining a rec?

Long story short...I believe there is value to alumnae and active collegians being able to provide input on a PNM they know (not just 30 minutes so she can get a rec), but somehow, we need a better system that puts the appropriate value upon that information vs. it just being a box that is checked off so that a member can proceed with the recruitment process.
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