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Old 10-28-2003, 05:32 PM
navane navane is offline
GreekChat Member
Join Date: Sep 2001
Location: San Diego, CA
Posts: 2,873
Originally posted by exlurker
Welcome back, navane, and best wishes! Are you working on expunging "petrol," "lift," and (car) "boot" from your vocabulary

Well, I'm not actively trying to delete the vocabulary from my brain. I do occassionally use a British term and don't realize it until someone asks me what I mean or just giggles or something.


Have you found any grocery stores that sell microwaveable bubble and squeak or kidney pies ?

I haven't really been into the grocery stores! We have the strike deal going on here. Though, I'm pretty certain that I won't be able to find bubble and squeak or steak and kidney pies here! My English boyfriend, who is still out there, *loves* beef jerky and desperately wants me to send him some!


And most importantly, or so I gather from the US media, were you able to bring back copies of every tabloid piece of gossip, innuendo, accusation, and name-calling about the Royal Family and its spouses, ex-spouses, dalliances, and hired hands ?

heheheheh no, not really; but hey, last month I got invited to attend dinner at Lambeth Palace, home of the Archbishop of Canterbury. He wasn't home at the time, this was a dinner sponsored by the Romanovs (yes, the Russian royals). Can you believe that?!?! Me, of all people?!?! I'm a total nobody, but due to my connections in the Polish community, I got an invite. Talk about having the full-blown English experience!

I know it sounds farfecthed, but no, I am not making this up. (I have photographic evidence, not to mention that the back of my boyfriend's head and the bottom of my dress appeared in Hello! magazine!) Anyway, there were a few...uhm...."interesting" European royals there; but you won't see any gossip books from me anytime in the near future!


Good wishes for AI !

.....Kelly <--- the American nobody
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