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Old 06-18-2003, 01:28 PM
trisigmaAtl trisigmaAtl is offline
GreekChat Member
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Atlanta
Posts: 300
hee! it's sooo funny how many sorority songs are the same or only slightly different. It's been discussed before that almost everyone sings "pass it on" and we also sing linger, boom boom, and born and bred. My Alpha Gam friend and I were sharing songs one night and were so suprised about how many we had in common!

we have one song that goes:

Today purple violets grow deep in our hearts,
they bind us in sisterhood though we may part..."
etc etc.

and her chapter had a song by the same tune that also started with "today..." but incorporated roses etc. we were both kind of like "hey?!" and it turned out there were lots more.

perhaps it's just one more thing that bonds us panhellenically.

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