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Old 07-21-2004, 09:59 PM
AGDee AGDee is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Michigan
Posts: 15,395
My Convention Experience

This may be long, so kick back, get a "soda" (as they say in Chicago) and enjoy!

I left Friday at 11:35 am.

What a wonderful idea to get 143 AGDs from Michigan to take the train to Chicago! Why do they say online, and on the ticket, to arrive more than 30 minutes ahead if you're checking luggage when... THEY DON'T CHECK LUGGAGE ON THAT ROUTE!!!!! I quickly decided that my chapter files, diet pepsi, and a couple pairs of shoes could stay in the trunk of my car for the duration of Convention and I quickly repacked all my stuff in the parking lot to fit it into two bags. I have bruises on my arms from the weight of those two bags! It was all uphill from there though!

Arrive at hotel at 5 pm, just enough time to check in, freshen up and go to the Foundation Reception for VST where I got to meet greeklawgirl and a couple Wendy/ies. It was wonderful to eat something other than peanut butter and jelly (the lunch I packed for the train ride). After the Foundation Reception, I ironed all of my dresses, unpacked, and read a bit. I knew it would be a busy couple of days.

Saturday, bright and early, it was VST breakfast time! It was an awesome breakfast!!! It was great to see my volunteer sisters who I so rarely get a chance to talk with!

Next came some training for VST. That's enough about that! A lunch break, then it was time for credentialing, which I worked for a few hours. It was a great chance to keep catching up with sisters that I only see at Conventions or TLCs.

Finally, dinner time! The Foundation Banquet had a gorgeous backdrop of the Chicago skyline behind the head table. We had a delicious dinner (I agree with the salad comments, but I will miss those crackers!!!!) and went away with beautiful silver bud vases.

Opening ritual on Sunday brought tears to my eyes as did the flag parade! Sunday was a long day, but our speakers were impressive AGDs. One encouraged us to Impact the World, and the other taught us the importance of humor. My jaw hurt from laughing so hard!! That was remedied in the Risk Management workshop where many women had many questions about our new procedures! On to the Epsilon Pi banquet where we received a beautiful "surrounded by sisterhood" logo charm. This is a tradition at Convention and it is fun to see some of the sisters' charm bracelets after they've been to numerous Conventions! Of course our Rituals were incredible and moving.
It was a late night!

Monday brought amendments to the amended amendments, I think. It was tough to follow at times! The alumnae luncheon was great and it was fun to see all the awards given to the chapters and clubs for their accomplishments! FREE TIME!!! Navy Pier is a blast! The stained glass museum there was amazing and there were so many restaurants that the only way to choose where to eat was by picking the one with the shortest wait! After 36 hours straight of being in that hotel, it was great to walk by the water, feel the wind in my hair. It was so energizing and relaxing!

On Tuesday we learned self defense with Erin from Campus Speak doing "Girls Fight Back". She was funny and informative and from now on, when people flame me in News & Politics, I know just what to say "STOP! LEAVE ME ALONE! I DON'T WANT ANY PROBLEMS"!!!! I got motivated at Leadership, Motivation and Management. They served SWEET TEA at lunch, which threw this northern girl for a loop! Singing, courtesy resolutions and International Council Officer Installation brought an end to the business and led us to an inspiring Closing Address by our new International Council President. Feast of Roses followed where we posed for our GC picture (minus a few women, unfortunately). We received beautiful music boxes which play "100 Years of Beauty", the Centennial song. It was beautiful to see all the candles around the room as they called chapter roll. The Living Circle brought a bittersweet end to the Convention and we LOVED the Hawaii women doing the hula for us! (Thanks Delta Sigmas!!).

Random thoughts: My circle of close sisters keeps growing as we experience high points and low points in our lives. I met so many wonderful women and received a whole LIST of women who are interested in advising at one of my chapters that desperately needs advisors. Way to go Zeta Chi for raising over $9000 for the Foundation, winning the most improved philanthropy award and surprising their PDC while doing it all! Those rascally squirrels never sent me a final total! And, because we missed it here, Happy Birthday Marie!

As always, it's good to be home, and I will carry special memories of the Centennial Celebration with me forever!

I love my sisters!


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