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Old 05-03-2012, 11:49 AM
Greek_or_Geek? Greek_or_Geek? is offline
Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 364
It's not always a matter of a top tier house at a competitive campus refusing to affiliate a member transferring from a "lesser" chapter. Here are a couple of other circumstances I have seen play out:

-An intensely academic chapter has maintained the highest Greek GPA for many years and are very competitive about it. Mary Marginal wants to affiliate and her GPA is barely at the national minimum and far below the chapter's minimum.

-At a strong chapter at a smaller regional school where almost all students come from the same general area and everyone seems to have known everyone since high school. Hannah Ho wants to affiliate but her antics at the new college already reflect her legendary patterns of behavior from high school and her previous university.
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