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Old 09-08-2017, 10:31 PM
Titchou Titchou is offline
GreekChat Member
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Sweet Home Alabama
Posts: 4,577
I'm the COA (Chapter Operations Adviser) for a DG chapter (GreekBill ) and also work at a private school that uses a similar service -Smart Tuition. Seriously, these companies provide a great service.Do you really want a 19-20 year old handling a budget of $500,000 to over a million for 200 -450 women????? Doing billing, collections, sending to Honor Board,etc? Nope. We want the pros doing it and my school feels the same way. They handle everyone your Business Office would handle.And the Fraternity handles their tax returns for them-state and federal. We are way beyond letting the collegians do all this. We don't even let the adults with House Corporation do it!
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