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Old 06-26-2010, 08:57 PM
DrPhil DrPhil is offline
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Originally Posted by fantASTic View Post
If your kid is acting up in the grocery store or a restaurant, you just leave. That's how it works. You. Leave.
No. Kids aren't in charge. People choose to have kids but they should never choose to have spoiled brats who think they run shit.

Such studies are wonderful for showing support for correlates of behavior but they can never say definitively that something causes an outcome, even when controlling for other factors. Researchers can conclude from their findings that spanking can increase the potential for a particular outcome but, as with most things, it does not guarantee a particular outcome. The limitations and implications for further research place study findings in their proper context.

People's support for research findings is correlated with how they feel about a topic before they even read the research, as I'm sure is the case for you based on how you feel about your spanking experience. More studies that support corporal punishment should make it beyond the peer reviews. I would love to read more of them and my opinion of them would be shaped by my support for moderate corporal punishment.

We are always teaching children and shaping the adults they will become, for better or for worse. With that said, of the people who were spanked as children, it definitely shapes our perceptions of authority and justifications for aggression and violence. Some kids who were spanked are quicker to aggression and think it's justified while others are more reclusive and soft spoken as to not be quick to anger. But, there are also people who say you shouldn't raise your voice at a child or do other forms of discipline like "time out" and taking things that they cherish (toys, school activities, etc) from them. What works? No one knows with 100% accuracy.

All discipline should be in moderation and based on thinking rather than emotion/anger. My siblings and I were spanked from time to time and our mother and father never tried to really hurt us. We could tell it was more rational and to prove a point and give us a level of discomfort. That's also a factor of the personalities of the parents. If I had tried to fight back or talk trash, the spankings would've been worse. The spanking always came after my parents nicely talked to us, then sternly gave us warnings and if none of those worked (because we were feeling grown or stupid) we always deserved the spanking. Always. I would definitely spank my kid if I gave the kid ample opportunity to fix whatever the problem is.

(I don't believe in corporal punishment in schools or other adults yelling at my kid. That's why you have to handle your business at the home so kids will only act up A LITTLE (kids will be kids and will always test limits) when they leave your home. Parents shouldn't have to leave a restaurant because of a badass kid just as teachers shouldn't have to stop a class because of a badass kid)

Last edited by DrPhil; 06-26-2010 at 09:02 PM.
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