Thread: Charity Cases
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Old 01-26-2012, 12:03 PM
ThetaPrincess24 ThetaPrincess24 is offline
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Originally Posted by 33girl View Post
A new chapter at my school did this. They took a girl (who had rushed us multiple times - our sisters knew her from band, so they were well clued in on her actual personality) because they felt "sorry" for her. Within a year, they were all bitching and complaining about her. Turns out the pathetic little churchmouse they thought they'd bid was actually a headstrong, overbearing pain in the ass.

Feeling sorry for someone or trying to "help" someone is one of the WORST reasons to give a bid. You condemn them to life as a second class citizen in your GLO because everyone knows that's why they're there. Or, as illustrated above, sometimes you get something different than what you thought you were getting. What you should do instead - be a FRIEND to them and help them to find a place in college life on their own. You can be a friend without being a brother or sister.

Yes. Sympathy bidding is bad, bad, news. Not everyone is cut out to be a member of XYZ just like not everyone is cut out to be Greek.
Kappa Alpha Theta-Life Loyal Member
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