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Old 09-30-2015, 08:48 AM
SoCalGirl SoCalGirl is offline
Join Date: Dec 1999
Location: San Diego, California :)
Posts: 3,973
I'm sorry that you were cut so hard and applaud you having given it a chance. Based on what you shared it sounds like you have given it a fair shot. I would say drop before Big reveal.

As far as re-rushing, that is a long time away so you have plenty of time to decide.

In my neck of the woods transfer students are almost exclusively 3rd years so I'm wondering if you'll be a 3rd year or 4th year when you re-rush. Either way, it'll likely factor into your likelihood of getting a bid.

The school year is young still. Make a point of being active on campus and cultivating friendships with women across the chapters. The more people who know you and of you the better.

Good luck.
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