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Old 03-11-2016, 02:24 AM
GammaGirl1908 GammaGirl1908 is offline
GreekChat Member
Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 97
I'm not crazy about any of the choices, but I will make a point of voting if only to cast my ballot against someone I hate.

That may involve voting for someone I don't necessarily love, but if I can do my part to keep someone I FREAKING DESPISE out of office, I view that as my civic duty. I have been an "Anyone but X" voter a few times; I'm all right with that.

Also, both of my parents separately took me aside to chastise me the one year I skipped voting. I had a very busy day, and it was a year that there was no presidential election and no local mayoral election**, and no policy votes that particularly interested me. I got bitched out separately by my then-separated parents, both of whom, individually, pointed out that as a minority and as a woman, I had better not ever take that for granted that two separate groups of people literally have died so that I could vote. That? Hit home.

(**I'm registered to vote in Washington DC, where my presidential vote matters perhaps less than anywhere else. I STILL got bitched out such that I for sure will never skip a presidential election.)
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