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Old 07-18-2012, 12:22 PM
Iota Man Iota Man is offline
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 404
Originally Posted by BruhMan06 View Post
Well, i am going to try to explain myself hopefully w/out revealing any secrets of the org. But we all know we must do certain things to be a part of the org. Do these rituals make us anymore of a man than the next. Would anyone here consider forgoing the rituals and perhaps just go paper?? What is the meaning of being "made" anymore? Should we do away w/ our ritual process and allow brothers in??
Whether you go paper or whether you were made, you still have to go through rituals. Why would you do away with the rituals? That doesn't make any sense. The rituals go back to the founders with most GLOs, so why would you let folks in without knowing the rituals of the organization?

Originally Posted by Andre Turner View Post
First of all, I don't want you to think that I am saying that there is no truth in the Bible or in the teachings of Jesus. That is not what I am saying, because the true teachings of Jesus, is not what the slave master gave to our people. There is truth in the Bible if you can break through all of the symbolism. The teachings of Jesus are very valuable, but that is not what the preacher has been teaching. That is not what the slave master has given the preacher to preach. Open your black mind for a second and be objective. Open your black mind and try to think emotionally for a while. I want you to reason with me. I want us to just reason together. Let us try to be mature, honest and objective about this subject. Please don't let the truth offend you or make you upset. The only way to oppose the truth is to defend and uphold a lie. So I want you to be on the side of the truth. Now where do you want to be? So let us reason with this thing. Let us use our logic and reasoning to find the real truth, or the real reasons. Now before we find the real truth or the real reasons we first must ask the real questions. Why is it that most black people call themselves Christians? What is the reason? Why do most black churches display the image of a white Jesus? What is the reason? Why are all the angels white? What is the reason? Why are there no black people at the last supper? What is the reason? Why is it that when most black people close their eyes to pray, they see a white God in their mind? What is the reason? Why did King James feel that he was holy enough to revise and issue his own version of the revealed word of God? What is the reason? Why did black slaves whole heartedly accept the teachings of Christianity from the same white slave master, who gave them pure hell 24 hours a day? What is the reason? Why are we in a terrible mess that we are in today? What is the reason? You need to know the reasons before you can determine the real truth. The Bible is the history/prophecy of black folks. Read your Bible from a black theological perspective, not from a white theological perspective. After you have finished your Bible, get a Holy Quran. In times like these, we need to have all the revealed word of God, not just part of the truth. We need all of God, not just part of God.
This is some deep shit. I never really looked at it like that, but I feel you.
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