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Old 06-10-2015, 01:07 PM
DubaiSis DubaiSis is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2009
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What I would say is go through rush, don't put your emotional eggs in one basket and see where the chips fall (sorry for the mixed metaphor). Dirty rushing, IMO, and where it would be a problem to a rushee here is if the chapter in question says "drop your other houses and SIP us. You definitely have a bid from us." You should not do that, particularly on the advice of a chapter member. Regardless of your best friend being in the chapter and you knowing and loving half the house, there are way too many variables for you to be guaranteed a spot.

If their dirty rushing was talking bad about another chapter, then you as a rushee should know that is not kosher and take it for what it is. If the dirty rushing was separating you from the other rushees so as to give you the hard sell, if it makes you feel uncomfortable, then you need to speak up. If you love the attention, just keep in mind that no matter how much they seem to love you, they still can't guarantee you a bid. No ifs ands or buts.

Rush infractions, by the way, can mean they turned in their bid lists 5 minutes late or their name tags were too big or they spent too much money on food. I don't think anyone would consider that dirty rushing. Do NOT read more into it than it is. At a huge school, it is really hard for a sorority to dirty rush in a way that could actually affect anyone's outcome.

So yes, I would pledge a house that is accused of dirty rushing. I however would go through the rush process very careful not to have a them or nothing attitude because you could very well end up with nothing and the day after rush is over you will be very sorry you didn't keep a clear head.

Best of luck.
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