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Old 04-25-2008, 02:52 PM
jlenoconel jlenoconel is offline
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 11
Gays in fraternites (pt. 2)

I know this has been discussed before, but I wanted to hear how people felt about gays in fraternities in 2008? I read a lot of the homophobic remarks by some user on other pages and was quite shocked. I kinda expected people to be homophobic, but think its funny that a lot of the guys think that they are superior to gays in some way. I myself am gay, but don't particularly like the stereotype or anything that is portrayed in the media about gays. Anyway, what I wanted to say is that people shouldn't be ashamed of their sexuality, or be made to feel uncomfortable or alienated because of it. Obviously if the dude doesn't fit in with the fraternity because he has different ideals is a different thing, but that is a separate thing from being homosexual.

The only reason a guy should be afraid if another man were to make a pass at him, which is normal if you're gay, is if that guy is unable to clarify that he is straight for some reason, and is afraid he may give into sexual urges. I do understand people being uncomfortable about certain things about gay life, but this whole elitist attitude thing is stupid. Wake up people!
