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Old 06-05-2012, 09:59 PM
KSUViolet06 KSUViolet06 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 18,142
Oh yes, predetermined invites. For sure.

At competitive schools, a lot of chapters have a good third of their invite list for that first round of cuts determined before you even set foot on campus.

Done this whole spiel before, but for the sake of having it posted here for PNMs to read:

For example, let's say that ABC at Big Southern University has 100 members (not using big numbers because I'm tired.) Each of them personally knows 2 PNMs from church/camp/high school/etc. that they think would make great ABCs.

100 x 2 = 200 women that they vouch for and really want back for next round.

For the next round, they can only invite back say, 300. Out of that 300, there are 200 girls with personal connections whom members already know of and want.

Assuming that all 200 of those are issued an invite, that leaves just 100 spots for "newer" PNMs whom no one has heard of prior to recruitment.

All of this to say, you may go into recruitment really liking Super Popular Chapter and may even have a great conversation there and feel like you "clicked." Newsflash, those chapters are REALLY good at talking to people and generally are going to make everyone feel welcome. That doesn't mean you're getting an invite (see above point about not having a lot of invites to go around anyway.)

A lot of PNMs have a skewed perception of their recruitment desirability. They think "Oh I'm a shoo in for this group or that because I have good grades, recs, etc." There's more to it than they realize, and while they're focusing on pretty much unattainable chapters, opportunities with others who DON'T have their invite lists pre-decided are sailing on by.

That's why open mindedness is important.
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