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Old 01-09-2012, 01:42 PM
ForeverRoses ForeverRoses is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2006
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It was great fun- I was able to share some of the greek trivia that I have learned from greekchat with some of the women (so they now know that I am a big dork- but I'm an alum, I can be). I am also now a pro at holding the door open and putting straws in milkshake cups!

I did learn a few things from being an adult watching recruitment that I can pass on:

1) if you want to wear crazy heels PRACTICE wearing them. especially on the stairs. Too many women looked like giraffes trying to walk in monster heels.
2) if you wear spanx, please have someone stand behind you and check that the slit on the back on your skirt is not so high that the spanx can be seen. If the slit is that high, you might want to wear a different skirt.
3) if you wear a strapless dress, make sure it fits you up top. not attractive to see so many people tugging on the their dresses. Also, please wear the proper bra with said dresses.
4) if you are wearing a light colored skirt/dress, keep in mind the color of your undergarments. Flesh toned probably would work best.

And yes, we were texting AOIIalum all weekend with the updates, and I had to try and explain to the other advisors how I knew her, but had never actually met her.
So I enter that I may grow in knowledge, wisdom and love.

So I depart that I may now better serve my fellow man, my country & God

Last edited by ForeverRoses; 01-09-2012 at 01:46 PM.
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