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Old 08-03-2010, 11:29 PM
AZTheta AZTheta is offline
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Consider this: it works BOTH ways. Let me explain.

Had I listened to, or bought into, stereotypes/reputations, I would not have ended up where I did. To wit: I thought that there were chapters that were "too good" for me.

I went into "rush" with the attitude that I was going to have a great time, without any expectation of receiving a bid. I truly liked the women in every chapter, and they liked me back, because I kept getting invited to return. It was very difficult to have to "regret" invitations. The field narrowed and I was surprised that the two most popular chapters were actually interested in me. I was even more surprised to discover that I FIT there, comfortably. Preference was a painful decision.

And another thought: it only takes one incredible pledge class to completely turn a chapter around. I've seen it happen. So much for reputations and stereotypes.
"One of the painful things about our time is that those who feel certainty are stupid, and those with any imagination and understanding are filled with doubt and indecision." Bertrand Russell, The Triumph of Stupidity
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