Thread: Color Conflict
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Old 09-07-2006, 03:36 PM
Tom Earp Tom Earp is offline
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Location: Kansas City, Kansas USA
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Originally Posted by JMFratsHard
We are in the process of getting our Phi Kappa Tau colony off the ground one thing we realized tho is that we have the same colors as PIKE. Red and Gold? We want to adopt a third color to distingush ourselves from Pike (the letters themselves have the potential to confuse others) does anybody have any suggestions for a third color?
Your letters are different, so I suggest you emphsize them more.

Many have the same combonation of colors, but make your lettere pop out more for all to see.

One time I was back for home coming and no one was wearing their letters except one new GLO. Phi Sigma Kappa. I was embarresed as I was the only member of My Chapter who had on letters, LXA.

I admired those Brothers of a new colony for showing that they were there even though they had 10 members.

Keep the colors, but use a different one for letters so they will stand out.

Last but not least, good luck to You and YOur Brothers for a new colony.

LX Z # 1
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