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shellylou 09-15-2017 07:43 PM

TV Mom Recruitment Story
So this year I have been guiding several women through the recruitment process. Last month I shared a story of a local women who is at The University of Alabama. Now I am sharing a recruitment story of another University campus. It too is South of the Mason Dixon Line but the campus is not at all like Alabama.

There are 7 NPC chapters at this University. Although there are no houses, some chapters have suites. Various rooms on campus are used for the 3 day process. The Panhellenic on this campus is very strong & for that reason I am using strong female TV Mothers, from my younger days, to identify each group.

Weeks before the main event begins there are a variety of ways to get to know the greek women on campus. I know several women going through recruitment & will be referring to them throughout my story.

One woman, Ali,was on the fence about the whole process. She has a strong HS gpa & a medical field major. Several times I had conversations with her as to how much being in a sorority will help her with her school work. She was a bit shy & still building her self confidence. No one in her family was greek but she knew plenty about it from her conversations with me & her friend Sherry.

Sherry knew all about the process. Both her mom & sister are sorority women and she's a legacy. Sherry had a slightly stronger gpa than Ali & also was a HS cheerleader.

Sherry had become good friends with another women in her major, which is Social Work, named Julie. Julie's sister is a sorority member but at a different University & they do not have a chapter on this campus. She has fantastic grades (2nd in her class ) & played on the golf team in HS. Julie has a military boyfriend & really is looking forward to & needs strong friendships in college. Somehow they are all in the same recruitment group.

The weekend before classes began was orientation. All of the sororities had orientation leaders, the head orientation leader was a member of Carol Brady, this is also Sherry's legacy chapter. There were also several women from Marion Cunningham around both Sherry & Ali plus Sherry's boyfriend is very good friends with one of the woman in that chapter. It seemed once they found out that she was a legacy to Carol Brady they were all over her & she loved the attention!

A few days later there was a sporting event. All 3 girls attended & they talked to members in all 7 sororities. The Caroline Ingles group seemed over the top in smiles & even stretched the truth about a few things to impress the girls. The Ann Romano group took a real interest in Julie since their President loves golf & works at a country club. They even promised her some free golf sometime...all sounded good to Julie but Sherry knew all about the rules of the game & she just shook her head & smiled.The Olivia Walton, Edith Bunker & Norma Arnold groups all seemed fine but nothing really outstanding about them yet, although the Caroline Ingles group had a lot of women in the same major as Ali.

Round 1 Sisterhood to come...

clemsongirl 09-16-2017 12:53 AM

I'm excited!

shellylou 09-16-2017 08:02 AM

Ali was a bit nervous the days before it all started & her mom sent me a text saying just that. She asked if I would give a recommendation to Carol Brady because that was her favorite going into Round 1. I told Ali's Mom that recommendation letters were not a necessity on this campus but would get a message out to the connection that I had which a Student life faculty member. I told Ali's mom that she had nothing to worry about. All 7 sororities were great groups & she should just be herself.

Sherry & Ali had spoken to me many times and both knew that they needed to avoid tent talk, look for true sisterhood & be who they are. I went ahead & sent off a short text & also wished the entire campus staff best wishes .

Ali & Sherry attended the same HS & were good friends although Sherry had stated many times over that she really wanted to make new friends in college & if they ended up in different chapters that was fine with her. Ali had sort of followed Sherry around a lot throughout HS & she thought it would be good for Ali to find her own identity.

There were 2 other woman, Debbie & Jennifer, going through recruitment from their HS with Ali & Sherry but they were not close friends with them. Debbie & Jennifer had both set out to become as close as they could to the women in Ann Romano because they heard they were the top sorority & they only wanted to be in the best. Somehow these ladies had become friends with several of the members & according to Sherry, they both thought they were shoe ins already!

So Round 1 began. Unfortunately the way the schedule ran, Julie had classes the first part of the day & when she finally arrived she had to miss Norma Arnold's party altogether.

The parties were all very similar. Lots of singing & smiles. Sherry said she always was greeted by a tug at the arm & a quick wisk to browse at all the things that made each sorority think they were the best on campus. Decorations were pretty basic. Some groups had cuter mascots than others.

She was surprised that she like Caroline Ingles so much, she was actually paired with a girl in her major & was able to sit in a chair! They were really good recruiters! She was very tired of standing, it seemed that every party had a shortage of chairs for the PNM's.

The Caroline Ingles group, she knew, was the biggest rival of her legacy group going back many years. Those 2 were the oldest on campus & had a deep rooted competitive spirit, everything from recruitment, sports & greek week. She was hoping she wouldn't click with them, if she even considered them, that would be hard for her sister to swallow. Her mom, not so much.

Her mom could see her in any group on campus because she knew her daughter would be an asset anywhere but she also knew how much she would love having her daughter as also a sister. This rather overwhelmed Sherry & she had decided she was going to have an open mind just the same.

The Norma Arnold party seemed a bit disorganized but this was a new sorority on campus. It seemed that many of the PNM's felt that way.

Ali was finding lots of women in her same major in both the Edith Bunker & Ann Romano groups. Ann Romano stressed the importance of grades over & over again and was very proud that they have the highest gpa of the sororities. Sherry said she asked them what happens if your gpa falls below their standards but got a vague answer & was asked if this was a concern of hers. Obviously, they hadn't looked at her gpa!

The woman in the Olivia Walton party just didn't fit right with Sherry. They were just totally different women than she was. Julie said the same thing but Ali thought they were ok.

The Marion Cunningham group was impressive to both Julie & Sherry. They have been recruiting Sherry really hard & they made sure she met a lot of their members. They told her that she would be a great member & they could really use her leadership.

Carol Brady, her legacy chapter, was her, Julie & Ali's last party. They were all 3 exhausted as were the collegiate members. Sherry thought they would really make over her but they didn't. The chapter had made a conscious decision not to make her feel obligated to them. They wanted Sherry to love them for their sisterhood, which she had heard about all of her life, and they assumed she probably knew most of the things they were going to talk about anyway.

This rather annoyed Sherry. She thought, do they really want me or not? She chalked it up to also being the last party.

Meanwhile Ali really loved Carol Brady & told them that throughout the whole party, she even shed tears when she had to leave. Julie liked this group a lot too, she felt really at home there.

Debbie & Jennifer were totally wowed by Ann Romano. They also liked Edith Bunker & Caroline Ingles but they really wanted to be Ann Romanos & figured come Sunday that's where they'd be.

Julie, Ali & Sherry were somewhat confused although Ali was leaning towards Carol Brady, Sherry was really impressed by Marion Cunningham & Julie was not really sure but still felt a strong connection with Ann Romano.
Round 2 next...

shellylou 09-17-2017 01:15 PM

Ali's mom sent me a text to say she was making new friends & stayed in dorm area with girls in her major. I had told Ali & Sherry that there is a possibility of not being invited back to all 5 parties for the philanthropy round. Sherry was confident that her top 5 would all invite her back but Ali & Julie not so much.

All 3 girls sat together waiting to get party invites. Julie & Sherry were invited back to the exact 5 parties. Julie did not understand why Ann Romano dropped her, she had the high grades & golf connection. Sherry had her ego a bit deflated when that group & Edith Bunker were not on her list either. Many people had told her that those 2 just do not invite other chapter legacies to round 2, they never have at this campus. Ali was over the moon excited that she was invited to all 5 of her top choices & she made a point to let her friends know. Jennifer & Debbie dropped out because they were not invited to Ann Romano or Edith Bunker, the only 2 they were interested in.

This is a continual issue on this campus. Somehow women feel they are going to be sisters in these groups because they do a good job befriending them beforehand& their first round is very strong.

So off the 3 went to round 2. Carol Brady was first. The girls were all surprised how different this party was from the first. No cute mascots or table visits. Videos & a project. Um

The Carol Brady group has a broad cause & the video was cute but locally put together unlike the other groups who had a professional video provided by a specific national cause. Ali didn't connect because she was hoping for something in the line of medicine to be part of whatever group she chose. Julie & Sherry were fine with the cause, both social work majors but Sherry did not like being asked to write a message to whoever the recipient would be. She liked to put thought into her writing & she hated her handwriting. She told her legacy chapter this was not her thing.

All 3 girls went to the next party with a strange feeling. Ali loved Edith was a medical philanthropy & many girls from her major were in this chapter. A girl in her major, Mia, also liked them. Ali was quickly finding a new number 1 choice. She also like Ann Romano because the organization they supported was something she had been a part of for 13 yrs ( along with Sherry)

Sherry loved Marion Cunningham. One of their causes she had been involved with was a walk a thon & the other directly hit home with her brothers. Julie like them too.

Neither one were thrilled with Olivia Walton. They had to color a backpack. This felt like art class which neither one liked much & as first round there was no connection with the the women.

Caroline Ingles was ok, again they were asked to write a message but this time samples were provided which Sherry liked much better.

Norma Arnold was better in round 2 but you could still tell they were new to all this. Julie connected with many of them & found some friends from her local area. She was glad they invited her back even though she missed them in round 1.

It was time to rank. Ali was torn, having loved Carol Brady from the start but clicking with Edith Bunker & Ann Romano more today. She also knew she needed to become her own person & if Sherry joined a different group she'd have 2 sets of friends.She ranked Carol Brady 3rd & figured it would all work out for a reason. Julie put Carol Brady & Norma Arnold 1&2. Sherry was most torn of all. She knew the sisterhood she would have in her legacy chapter but really loved Marion Cunningham. She didn't tell her sister & mom which one she ranked 1&2 but she knew she was going to have an even tougher decision tomorrow if she went to both prefs.

Pref up next!

shellylou 09-17-2017 09:23 PM

Pref & Bid day are held on the same day. Ali went to Anne Romano & Edith Bunker's parties. She loved them both but connected the most with Edith Bunker & put them as her 1st choice. She was kinda sad that she & Sherry would not be together but she was excited to start a new chapter in her life. Sherry & her mom gave her the courage to go through this process, for that she would always be grateful.

Ali's new friend Mia also loved Edith Bunker but also went to Carol Brady 's party. Secretly Ali hoped they would both be in Edith Bunker together but she again figured it would all work out for a reason.

Julie went to Norma Arnold & Carol Brady's parties. She was with Sherry at Carol Brady's. She was honored that the young new/founding sisters of Norma Arnold saw how much she could add to their chapter but the ceremony at Carol Brady was so sentimental & she really felt their sisterhood. She ranked them 1st.

Sherry again bonded with Marion Cunningham & they really worked on her emotions. She went to their party first & walked into her legacy chapter completely confused.

At the Carol Brady pref she was paired with a woman who was a great recruiter & knew her sister when she was an active member. They talked about her sister a lot & her sister's Centennial initiate badge was on display during the Pref party so part of her sister was with her. During the ceremony she saw how much the sisters loved each other. She thought about how her mom & sister went through this same ceremony too. Could she really not be part of their same history? She wasn't sure she could turn her back on that & she always wanted to be part of what they had together.

After the ceremony Sherry was in line to rank, still undecided. While in line she thought about how much she wanted to be part of her sister's upcoming wedding as her sorority sister. She was going to be maid of honor, along with 3 or 4 Carol Bradys.

Then she thought of her mom...her mom had taken her to sorority events all her life. Her mom helped with extension, held numerous local & national positions including a past NPC Delegate. She knew she had a lot of opportunities with Carol Brady that may not happen elsewhere. But she loved Marion Cunningham too!

7pm; it's bid day. I am in the crowd of alumna watching. Proud of the guidance I have given, exhausted & excited. Each group comes forward one at a time...I see the girls.

Ali is in a group by herself but looks very happy & excited to be greated by the Edith Bunkers...she is now a sister of Delta Gamma!!

Julie & Sherry are together, they wound up together! They never thought that would happen. Ali's friend Mia was with them too, in the Carol Brady group...they are all the newest sisters (& my sisters too!!!!l) of Theta Phi Alpha!!

And yes...Sherry is my double legacy daughter. I'm glad I won't have to go through this again with a 3rd daughter!

FSUZeta 09-17-2017 09:45 PM

Oh my gosh!!! How fabulous! Congratulations all around.

aephi alum 09-17-2017 10:20 PM

Congratulations to all! Where did Ali end up?

shellylou 09-17-2017 10:30 PM

It's posted in my last thread, after the paragraph where I am watching...she is a new member of Delta Gamma!

aephi alum 09-17-2017 10:39 PM

I must have missed that. Congrats to Ali as well.

TLLK 09-17-2017 10:50 PM

Congratulations to all three girls!!

BadSquirrelBeta 09-17-2017 10:59 PM

Congratulations to all! I enjoyed this story with all those great TV Moms of yesteryear! What a great way to build your Panhellenic Family!

CDancer20 09-18-2017 12:15 PM

What a great story! Glad that your daughter is now your sister. I'm sure that that will be a great bond for all 3 of you!

I'm a NPHC legacy. My younger sister, who went Greek before me, joined a different NPHC sorority. While my mom was a little hurt, she fully supported my sister making the right decision for her. She also, though, cried tears of joy while pinning me as her sorority sister. I do, though, wish it was something that I could have shared with my sister too.

luv n tpa 09-18-2017 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by shellylou (Post 2442154)

Julie & Sherry are together, they wound up together! They never thought that would happen. Ali's friend Mia was with them too, in the Carol Brady group...they are all the newest sisters (& my sisters too!!!!l) of Theta Phi Alpha!!

Congratulations to you and our newest sisters!

shellylou 09-18-2017 01:49 PM

Thanks so much my tpa sister!! Just had to post a Theta Phi Alpha story...we don't get many on here!

rockwallgreek 09-18-2017 02:01 PM

I am very blessed by having had my 4 daughters join me in the sisterhood of Alpha Gamma Delta!! It's a special bond. Again, congratulations to you and your daughter!

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