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tinydancer16 02-18-2007 01:59 AM

Tinydancer16's Recruitment Story!
So I'm yet another long time GC lurker and I've finally decided to post my rush story! Since I adore Grey's Anatomy I figure I can use characters from the show and I'll remember which one's are which pretty easily:D
I'm a sophomore in my second semester and have always thought about rushing, but for a number of different reasons never rushed for real. I went to one COB event for my suitemate's sorority and obviously didn't get a bid. I really didn't feel at home there at all and was actually pretty happy to get "the call".
So there are 8 different chapters at my school, I'll call them....

McDreamy(I just couldn't help myself:rolleyes:)
McSteamy (again...)

Sooo, if for some reason you get confused by my school's whole weird informal recruitment process, may I refer you to PinkBabygirl10's thread who just so happens to have the exact same process...huh...gooo figure.

We had an All Chapters open house on Thursday night, followed four parties of our choice. That night I went to Meredith's party and Christina's party.

I should also say that I opted not to go to parties for a few sororities for a number of different reasons (one of which being time, I over scheduled this weekend a lot by accident, whoops!!!)
George...just an awkward group that I don't see myself with at all, the girls seem nice enough but I'm looking for people who will get out and do things with me! Philanthropies?? Sisterhood events?? I got very muddled answers from them when talking to them at the Open House.
Alex...this is the sorority that I COB'ed for in the Fall. While they're very fun girls, the way that they handled my brief rush with them in the fall left a less than pleasant taste in my mouth. I didn't feel at home with them and that wasn't something that was going to change.
McDreamy...all I have to say is 24-12??? Are you kidding?? Someone needs to be a whistle blower here... They received a very polite "No thank you." from me.
McSteamy...I'm a sophomore and they're only pledging freshman, nothing I can do about it!

I knew I was going to like, I have a few friends in the sorority and they have the reputation of being the sorority to get a bid for (with good reason, they are a great group of girls). So no surprise there for me. It was a great first real rush experience. They started us out in the hallway and began singing and banging on the doors and walls.All of a sudden the door opens and I was swept onto the arm of a waiting sister and into a chair where I sat and talked for what seemed like only a few minutes. All of a sudden the hour was up, but I didn't want to leave!

on the other hand kind of was a surprise, I was going into it with the mindset (because of some experiences that I'd had with sister's over my first year and so on) that I wasn't going to much care for Christina at all. I was pleasantly surprised for the most part. I didn't feel like they were the place for me, however it at least opened my eyes to the fact that a bad experience with some doesn't mean everyone is unpleasant (duh, I know, but sometimes it's hard to separate the wheat from the chaff)

The first party I went to on Friday was Addison's, where the girls were welcoming and lovely, I had great conversation and they had a beautifully decorated room. They had a video that was lots of fun and overall just a great presentation. But, at the same time, I just didn't feel the sisterhood bond that I really wanted to feel from them. So I was sort of on the fence.

Next I went to Meredith's second party, had a great time talking to some new girls for the main part, and then spent the last fifteen minutes or so talking to a friend of mine who I really think will be pulling for me to get a bid. Left with a good feeling, but still extremely on the fence.

The last party i went to on Friday was for Izzie and I went into it thinking that I was going to like these girls, and I was completely right. Yet again I was swept into the room by a girl taking my arm and I had so many sisters come over and talk to me who seemed genuinely interested and excited that I was there. They had a great video and I could completely picture myself doing the things they were doing. I was actually talked into finally rushing by an Izzie sister, I didn't know her very well, we just have a lit class together, but when she saw me walking in the room she got a huge smile on her face and waved, and as soon as she could she ran over and gave me the biggest hug and said "I am so happy you came!" By the end of the night I didn't want to leave at all...

I'm not completely caught up, but I have to end here for now. Sorry it's so long, hopefully you're interested!!

Stef the Pef 02-18-2007 03:34 AM

Of course I'm interested!

I'm just wondering what you meant by 24-12? Their numbers dropped in half or something?

PeppyGPhiB 02-18-2007 05:50 AM

Yes, I didn't understand the comments for McDreamy...

Good luck!

blackngoldengrl 02-18-2007 09:23 AM

I think that she means they started out with 24 new members and went down to 12 that were initiated. If you see the other story she mentions, it is quite similar! ;)

tinydancer16 02-18-2007 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by blackngoldengrl (Post 1400260)
I think that she means they started out with 24 new members and went down to 12 that were initiated. If you see the other story she mentions, it is quite similar! ;)

You got it!

Drolefille 02-18-2007 10:08 AM

Yay I love stories! And I love your observations and descriptions :) Bon Chance!

tinydancer16 02-18-2007 10:35 AM

Thank you all for your good luck wishes! Since I'm way too excited, so I'm up way too early I figured I'd catch up a little more...
Yesterday was Saturday and due to a cruel twist of fate (orrrr simply bad planning on my part...) my godparents were coming into town from a few states away to have lunch with me, and the parties started at 12. I missed the first two, which left only two spots left -I had to cut myself out of the running from sororities that I really liked! But such is life, I figure, as is everyone's mantra here, I'll end up where I belong! I went with my gut and went to the parties for Izzie and Meredith.
Izzie was first and it was their philanthropy day, so we talked about the many different things that they do, and how they're involved and I got such a good feeling again. I couldn't help myself, I let slip how much I really liked Izzie and the girl who was escorting me got so excited and said "You have no idea how good that is to hear! Honestly, we would much rather extend a bid to a girl who seems genuinely interested in us than someone who we're unsure about!" Again came that really good feeling! I met so many girls, the girl escorting me seemed extremely excited to be introducing me ("showing me off" she called it, it was adorable!) that I left with a very good feeling and with many girls saying they definitely wanted to see me again.
From there I quick changed into a dress and went to Meredith's pref party. There were an insane number of girls there! They had a beautiful ceremony that I'm not supposed to talk about, but suffice it to say that it was quite moving. I was preffed by one of my friends, when I walked into the room and they called my name she leapt over to me, grabbed my arm and immediately started talking to me. I got a really good feeling for why she chose Meredith and it made me feel even more at home because she actually didn't end up pledging until she was a junior! I had been a little worried about being a sophomore, but not any more. I left feeling torn again, each time I think I've made up my mind I keep getting confused again! Eeek!
Anyway, so now I'm all caught up and I have to go get dressed for Izzie's pref party...Wish me luck!

Drolefille 02-18-2007 10:38 AM

Good luck(again:)), and don't worry too much. I feel like the tough decisions work themselves out when you have to sit down and make them!

ASUADPi 02-18-2007 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by Drolefille (Post 1400279)
Good luck(again:)), and don't worry too much. I feel like the tough decisions work themselves out when you have to sit down and make them!

Ditto to this wonderful piece of advice!!!!

Stef the Pef 02-18-2007 07:57 PM

Good luck tinydancer! Kind of fun to see two threads from the same campus at the same time, I guess. :)

tinydancer16 02-18-2007 11:51 PM

This is my last post before I find out about bids tomorrow morning and I'm extremely nervous...
I'm pretty sure where I want to be but I'm afraid to actually acknowledge it lest I be disappointed :(
I went to Izzie's pref today and it was...beautiful. I was honestly moved. I was preffed by the girl who had me in their first party, which made me feel great, that she liked me enough to want me back (at least I can hope that's what it was right??:p) Again, I'm not supposed to talk about specifics about the ceremony, but it felt so personal and sincere, I really couldn't keep from tearing up (just a liiiittle bit I promise!) It wasn't too long and drawn out and it didn't feel fake at all. We can go to the greek office tomorrow to find out if we got any bids. Now all that's left is the waiting........

I need someone to help keep me sane because I know I'm going to go stir crazy before 10am tomorrow!

MJo19 02-18-2007 11:54 PM

Good luck!

Denise_DPhiE 02-19-2007 12:07 AM


I will keep my fingers crossed for you. You have the right attitude and hopefully will fidn your home. Did you already sign your bid card? What time can we all check back (and don't even think about torturing us till midnight tomorrow!)

tinydancer16 02-19-2007 12:15 AM

We can find out from 10 till 4 tomorrow morning, I'll probably go in around 11 -I don't particularly want to stand in line forever:o

...who am I kidding, I'll probably be there at 10 haha, look for a post soon afterwards!

violetpretty 02-19-2007 12:47 AM

Good luck Tiny! Try to get some sleep tonight! When you go to the greek life office, can you get more than one bid or do they match you to one?

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