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mumom 09-13-2016 05:56 PM

A Muggle Recruitment #itsnotwhatyouthink
Hello All!

My Darling Daughter #2 went through recruitment as a junior at her small University. She was an athlete for her first two years and was unable to go Greek. DD1 was in a house at a different U and loved every minute of her sisterhood, so although DD2 suffered a career ending injury, she was thrilled with the prospect of having a more normal college life for her last two years. The only people she really had time to associate with her first two years were other athletes as she had very limited time to mix with “regular” students. With workouts, travel, missing classes and studying to make up for what you miss, it’s insanity! She loved it, but now it was over and she was looking for something to fill the void and ready to actually meet more Muggles, or NARPs (Non Athletic Regular People) lol and be more social!
So, after leaving her beloved sport, she was ready to begin a new chapter by joining a chapter!

She has stellar grades and two very difficult major areas of study. Her school has 6 sororities and one colonizing this fall. Recruitment is not overly competitive and rec letters are not really needed. Her sister’s (and mine) house is not on her campus. She has a few greek friends and they let her know that rushing as a junior is not a problem at all. Recruitment didn’t begin until several weeks after school started so she was not very patiently waiting for it to start. Recruitment began on a Friday afternoon with each pnm visiting all 6 houses day 1, day two up to 4 houses, day three is preference round with up to 2 houses and bid day is day 4 at 5pm.

Houses are:
Gamma Phi Beta
Kappa Delta
Alpha Delta Pi
Kappa Alpha Theta
Zeta Tau Alpha
Delta Gamma

Since my daughter is an athlete I’ll name the houses after sports!

Track and Field

Each house’s president gave a short speech at an informational session the week before Recruitment. According to DD, from that session her thoughts were:

Volleyball: Really like them

Soccer: Seemed tense and uptight. Lots of awards to brag about. Little bit of a turn off

Softball: Loved! Has many Softball friends and the President made a great speech.

Swimming: Like a lot!

Track and Field: No, seem pretentious, bragged on awards and gpa. DD knows some track and field women.

Basketball: Thinks they are nice, but wasn’t very impressed.

I thought her impressions after the info session were interesting, because I knew they could change drastically from just this one short event where they didn’t get to talk to anyone personally.

There are no houses on this campus, so one of the buildings was used for recruitment with each house having a room of their own. It was HOT so that was great not having to worry about the elements.

They were given t-shirts to wear for the first two days. We (DD1, myself and DD2) decided to pair them with some cute black shorts from JCrew for day one, and a skirt for day 2. DD2 has a very simple classic style. She doesn’t like to be flashy or too trendy. She said many girls were wearing printed shorts. That’s just not her. She chose to curl her long hair for day one.

Finally recruitment began! Phones were taken away but they were given note pads. She had her first round and took copious notes. She was prepared to be open to all the houses, because she didn’t really know much about them. She wanted to keep her mind open to what each house had to offer and what she can offer them. She really had a great attitude, perhaps due to the fact that she is a little older.

First house she went to was Volleyball.

Prior to recruitment, friends told her that she seemed like a Volleyball. She found that interesting until she was on the court with them. She felt so comfortable there and talked to a woman that lived on her dorm floor with freshman year who remembered her and her beautiful hair! DD2 really liked her and the other three people she talked with. She remembered to ask questions herself including asking one of her rushers why she chose Volleyball. Rusher told her that the sisterhood was everything to her and she had made such special friends in Volleyball. DD2 really liked that answer as that is the reason she wants to join too. DD2 left the court feeling like she would love to return to play another set with them. LOVES them, and wants to be on their team.

Up next was Swimming. DD2 had been a swimmer growing up and just loved being in the water. She talked to a woman who had a lot in common with her including her love of a certain NHL franchise my DD2 loves too. DD2 found the swimmers to be personable, funny, and witty. She appreciates a sense of humor. She was told that the Swimming actives aren’t required to participate as much, but do so when/if they want to so it’s a little less time if they choose. She left really loving that idea and wanted to be on their free relay team. She would love to “just keep swimming” with them!

Third was Track and Field. DD2 is a great sprinter and had a lot in common with Track and Field. Her rusher was someone she liked and connected with but was a little too enthusiastic. DD2 wasn’t sure what to make of that, but she did like them and hoped to be asked back to learn more.

Soccer came next. DD2 played soccer too and was pretty good with a ball. She found that the Soccer women had the highest GPA on campus and they talked a lot about academics. DD2 loves that because she is a pretty smart lady and this is very important to her. She liked them and hoped to go back to kick the ball around a little more.

Basketball was 5th. She was never very interested in basketball but played around a little for fun. She found that although she wanted to like basketball, she just doesn’t fit in and isn’t very interested in learning the game. Conversation was poor and she didn’t feel at home. Not really the sport for her.

Last was Softball. DD2 played softball and always loved it. She knew several softball women and some that she didn’t realize were part of the team. So many women came over to say hello that she felt really special. These women seemed more social and had many social activities. She felt that they had a very diverse group. She loves them and knows she would fit in there. Looking forward to her next chance up to bat!

After day 1, she ranked her top four with 1’s and then 2 and 3
She ranked them this way with 1’s in no particular order.

1 Volleyball
1 Soccer
1 Softball
1 Swimming
2 Track and Field
3 Basketball

She struggled with where to put Soccer and Track and Field. She like them both but could only give one of them a 1 ranking. After discussing it with her RC she chose to rank Track and Field #2. She liked all the houses except Basketball, so she felt good about who might invite her back. A full schedule would be 4 houses and she wouldn’t know until 2 pm the next day. She had a great time overall and was enjoying the process of meeting everyone. Said she could see herself in any one of the houses and be happy.

txAOII_15 09-13-2016 06:03 PM

Thanks for sharing mumom, it sounds like it'll be a great story. One question, has DD2 already accepted a bid? If not, you may want to go back and edit out identifying info until she successfully completes the process. Rooting for DD2 to find her home!

mumom 09-13-2016 06:25 PM

Yes, she has already accepted her bid!

FSUZeta 09-13-2016 06:43 PM

How exciting! Can't wait to read more!

Sciencewoman 09-13-2016 08:38 PM

Fun theme!! Rooting for "Moonball" (that's Gamma Phi Beta's new annual philanthropy event ;)).

mumom 09-13-2016 09:05 PM


Day two, DD2 is able to text me and tell me she has a full schedule! Volleyball, Softball, Swimming and Basketball. Our conversation went something like this:

DD2: I didn’t get asked back to Track and Field or Soccer! She was a little disappointed. Not terribly, just somewhat.
I point out that she still had her top 3 on her list and that she had an opportunity to give Basketball another chance. And that she had a full schedule!
She says, “That’s true…” I point out that she couldn’t really decide about Track and Field or Soccer and that while she liked them a lot, she really liked the other three more. She agreed and said she was feeling better, but that getting dropped just stings a little even though they weren’t her top choices. I explained that of course it only takes one and she laughed. “I know, I know.” She wanted to be asked back to Soccer because they are the house with the top GPA. We discussed that. While academics are important to her, she already has exceptional grades and the reason she wanted to go greek is for the sisterhood and social aspect. Those were the things she had been missing in her college experience thus far. Plus all the houses have great grades comparatively. She said that she knew that they have to narrow it down somehow. She understood the cuts process and how it helped her narrow her choices down too. Of course she was happy to have her top three choices for day two and have one more look at Basketball. That little blip over, she was happily waiting to go to day two parties.

DD2 decided to straighten her hair for this round. She sent a photo of herself in her cute skirt with the t-shirt with Sperry tennis shoes.

First up was Swimming. She loved them again today and learned more about their philanthropy and sisterhood. Talked to a few different women and had a wonderful time. Felt like she could see herself there. Her favorite stroke was always Butterfly and she wanted to touch the wall first!

On to Volleyball where she fell even more in love. “Mom, these can be my people. They are so much like me!” She likes their colors and talks to three women she really connects with. They were happy to have her back and she really enjoyed herself. Thinks she could absolutely hit the ball out and one of these women would be there to save it for her. She sees some potential really great friends and wants to keep practicing her serve and outside hitting. Really wants to make this team.

Basketball. She wants to like them but just can’t see it. Conversation doesn’t flow at all and she doesn’t feel comfortable or see herself shooting free throws at practice. Not for her.

Lastly, Softball. Again, she is greeted by people she knows and just LOVES Softball! This is a group of diverse women, some great hitters and base stealing runners. She says these women have the potential to bring her out of her comfort zone occasionally and she likes that idea. She likes their philanthropy too. She knows that she would fit into the lineup and can totally see herself in their uniform. Feels like it’s a homerun.

She grabs her phone and runs out to call me before ranking. She loves Softball and Volleyball so much, but really loves Swimming too. We discuss that her top two are Softball and Volleyball and she decides that while Swimming is great, she’s not sure she wants to get back into her suit and cap on the daily. She decides that she wants to stay on the court or the field with Softball or Volleyball. She ranks
1 Softball
1 Volleyball
2 Swimming
3 Basketball

That decision made, she goes to relax and do some studying. She will know who she will return to for pref tomorrow at 1pm. She is hoping for her top two, but knows that may not happen. She is confident that she will be happy with one of the top three knowing that she will pref 2 houses. She’s looking forward to pref. She talks to DD1 who tells her that people may cry during pref, so be prepared. DD2 says “What? That’s a thing?” DD1 says, “ lol, Yes!.” There was no crying as an athlete, so DD2 is bewildered for a moment. I suggest tissues just in case someone else might need them…

oldnorthstate 09-13-2016 10:06 PM

Love this theme-- and you write it so well! Can't wait to find out where your daughter ends up!

Katmandu 09-14-2016 09:47 AM

Love this!!

mumom 09-14-2016 10:33 AM


DD2 is able to get me a message that she was invited to her top two!!!
Softball and Volleyball! That’s all I got as she went off to her pref parties in an adorable simple dress that flattered her and heels with curled hair once again. My husband was laughing at me as I kept waiting for her to call while we enjoyed a quiet evening together. I know he was just as impatient being the Greek dad he is. He was an athlete himself and he knows how much she enjoyed trying out for these teams after having spent years coaching her to be a good teammate. She always worked hard on her own and we never pushed her. She’s just always wanted to be the best she could be and she’s hoping her new Greek teammates will push her in that direction.

After what seems like HOURS (it was only 4), DD2 called me. I could barely say hello when she said, “I can’t choose, I can’t choose, I don’t know what to do! I loved them both so much!” The songs and the lovely traditions were amazing. “I felt so at home in both houses!”

She was preffed by lovely women at both houses and was seriously confused as to who to rank first. She loved the wonderful women at Softball where she felt like they were all so different that there would be a place for her. She knew there were great friends waiting to be made on the Softball field that would work hard together and win games. DD2 does like to win. She would really love to be sisters with her current friends and that is pulling at her. Plus they sang a song that had special meaning for her. What if she chooses Volleyball and bids there? Will her Softball friends remain friends? She is pretty sure they will, but hates to think of letting them down. Ugh!

On the other hand, Volleyball just feels like her. They had a beautiful ceremony and she was touched. She feels at home on the Volleyball court. She has new kneepads and can dig for balls. Volleyball really served it up to her at their pref. She is leaning towards Volleyball as she talks about the two pref parties. This is a VERY difficult decision for her as she knows she may disappoint some people but she really wants to be where she can make new friendships with women like herself. She uses her heart to compare the two and eventually decides to put Volleyball #1 and Softball #2.

Once she decides, she is done. Decisive, she goes back in to rank. I talk to her later and she says she feels good about her decision and is putting it out of her mind now and trying to relax. She will be thrilled with a bid to either house. So, now the wait begins. Bid Day isn’t until tomorrow evening. It’s a looong day of waiting, but DD2 has a packed schedule so she’s busy until Bid day begins.

AZTheta 09-14-2016 10:40 AM

DD2's preference experience, as you've described it, was identical to mine. And she made her decision the way I made mine, too. I would have been thrilled with a bid from either Theta or Pi Phi. There was no doubt in my mind about that fact. To this very day I'm sure I'd have been happy in either house. Wherever she ends up, I believe she'll find the same close, powerful sisterhood; and a lifetime of great memories.

Your writing is excellent. Thinking you write for a living? (smiling). Carry on, please!

mumom 09-14-2016 01:46 PM

Thanks AZTheta! No, I don't write for a living, but I have been known to help people out on occasion! lol

mumom 09-14-2016 02:37 PM

FINALLY it’s Bid Day!
DD2 texts me that she is leaving. She is a little worried that her Softball friends will be upset if she receives a bid to Volleyball. And wonders if they will be watching her opening her bid. I point out that they already know who her bid is to by now and just to enjoy herself! She is SO EXCITED!!

Volleyball or Softball????

It’s radio silence.

DD1 texts me asking if I have heard from DD2. We are texting each other in CAPITAL LETTERS wondering which house she got. We are silly with the suspense.

We knew she had a bid because she hadn’t received a call, so WHY ISN’T SHE TEXTING US? Doesn’t she know that we are WAITING?? Lololol

Greek dad is feigning disinterest, pretending to busy himself with something. I KNOW he is just as anxious as DD1 and I. Perhaps our family is too close? Lol He knows how much this new beginning means to DD2 and just wants her to be happy. As a parent, you’re only as happy as your saddest child. Retiring from something you’ve loved doing all your life is tough.

5pm… nothing.



Wasn’t this supposed to begin at 5 we are asking????? Doesn’t she know she is KILLING US???

FINALLY, DD2 texts us that she has received a bid to her first choice. She runs to join her new sisters for their bid day festivities with


Better known as


Alpha Delta Pi!


Her Softball friends were disappointed not to have her as a sister, but remain her good friends! They were understanding and just want her to be happy! She is one lucky new lion! I have already ordered her a darling ADPi gift! Her sport isn’t her way of life anymore, but she knows ADPi will open up new experiences for her and she’s looking happily forward! As a Greek family, we are all so pleased that she found a home and a new beginning!

After reading these stories, for so long, I wondered how this recruitment would go. I was prepared to council her through any contingency. Our conversation before day two rounds was exactly what I have read before. I chuckled to myself as we were texting thinking, I have read this a million times…. Asking her to think carefully about her choices, likes and dislikes, her options. Of course, I know she is a special snowflake, but we all knew that realistically it could have gone either way for her. We are feeling that her final two years in college will be happy ones. She is lucky to have been able to experience two sides of college life and take something positive from each, not to mention 2 degrees, a love for service, and HOPEFULLY a career!

Can’t wait to get this kid OTP (Off The Payroll)!!!

honeychile 09-14-2016 03:50 PM

Congratulations to DD2 and please tell her that we GC Sisters welcome her to Alpha Delta Pi!! I am always thrilled to see a really well rounded Alpha join our sisterhood!!

And pat yourself on the back for a wonderful recruitment story! It was exciting, informative, and had just the right panache!

FSUZeta 09-14-2016 04:43 PM

Congratulations to DD2 and ADPi.

Sciencewoman 09-14-2016 04:47 PM

Congratulations to your daughter and thanks for sharing her story!

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