View Full Version : Philanthropy

11-20-2006, 11:05 AM
My first question is: Why does Sigma Nu not have a national philanthropy?

And second: is there one that you guys do annually, charities that you like to donate too?

I just got elected EC, and one of the things I would like to do (besides keeping up numbers and becoming the best house) is to start an annual charity.. but some help would be nice.

Thanks guys,


11-20-2006, 01:52 PM
My first question is: Why does Sigma Nu not have a national philanthropy?

And second: is there one that you guys do annually, charities that you like to donate too?

I just got elected EC, and one of the things I would like to do (besides keeping up numbers and becoming the best house) is to start an annual charity.. but some help would be nice.

Thanks guys,


Congrats, or condolences... a little of both on your election.

I haven't been really active in an advisory capacity since law school started, but, I do recall attending few Grand Chapters where they were trying to sell us on the "Charity Bowl" setup. The way it works is you set up a tournament in either football or basketball (the later if you're a smaller chapter), get entrants, then go to businesses and have them sponsor ads in your programs.

The guys down at Ole Miss raised money well into the six figure range with this. We sort of have a national philanthropy -- might be MDS. The times I remember my chapter doing this, we gave money to a young lady's treatment fund (an AXiD who had a very rare bone growth disease), and in another case, I want to say the money went to breast cancer research, but I could be wrong. I know we do have a 'suggested' national philanthropy, but I can't remember who it is.

On a more humorous/bad taste note, I recall a chapter in Utah once did a "Barbecue for Burn Victims" philanthropy. Don't know how it turned out, but the t-shirt would be worth having.