View Full Version : Have a Nice Day

10-23-2000, 09:48 AM
I am just writing to tell you to have a nice day.And to always Keep god the head of your life,because without him we would be nothing.

For me i am hurting right now,Because my grandfather died the october 12 and i had only met him once.And it hurt because he always encourged me to continue on with my education.and there were times that i wanted to go see him but his sister (my aunt)would not allow me his granddaughter or his children to see him because she is selfish and money hungry.the 2nd time got to see him was in a casket laying there dead.So sorors cherish the time you have with your family.because even though i did not get to see him i said my goodbyes anyway.And i am taking the advice he gave me right now i am a medical doctor and i graduate in may with my Masters.So dear sorors say a Pray for me family and me so that we can get threw these tough times right now.May allah continue to bless all of you with the light of understanding, Peace.

The Epitome of FinerWomen Hood


10-23-2000, 10:03 AM

I will definitely keep you and your family in my prayers. Feel blessed that he was able to be a part of your life, even if that time was brief.

Condolences & Sisterly,

10-23-2000, 10:16 AM
Peace & Blessings

BlueNile2: my deepest condolences to you and your family. I was in your position, EXACTLY this time last year. Although, I knew my grandfather for my entire life, he was the only grandfather that I had.
The day will come Soror, that you will forgive your Aunt for her actions, as that is a necessary part of healing the wound.
I know that you will miss your grandfather greatly but, cherish that time that you did have together...he obviously influenced your life a great deal.
The Epitome of Finerwomanhood

10-23-2000, 01:40 PM

I will keep you in my prayers. Just today, on my way to work, I was thinking about my "grandaddy", also the only grandfather I've ever known. He died in 1998 in March, and still I miss him everyday. So many people have such negative relationships with family members, it is truly a blessing when you can have such fond, albeit brief, memories of your grandfather.

Congratulations on your achievements. Your grandfather may not be here on Earth, but he is well-aware of how positively he has influenced you.


Finer Womanhood: the "Cat's Meow" Since 1920

10-23-2000, 03:34 PM

I am sorry to hear about your loss. I will be praying for you and your family.

We often give our enemies the means for our own destruction.

Aesop c550 BC

10-23-2000, 05:46 PM
You are in my thoughts and prayers...