View Full Version : Help with Recruitment

11-23-2004, 01:07 PM
I'm in the process of planning our formal rush for the spring, and I was looking for some ideas for pref. Do y'all do the wishing well ceremony? Do you use background music or sing? Pref night is the one night of rush that my chapter has the most trouble with.

Oh, and does anyone know of any songs or chants besides the usual--"Smile, Pep," "Boom-di-a-dah," etc. ??

11-27-2004, 08:12 PM
my chapter has a really good pref ceremony. email me at crowderjl@vcu.edu and i will give you all the details. good luck with rush in the spring :)

12-29-2004, 11:15 AM
Our chapter's best night is preference night. We use a small ceremony and then the room is lit with candles and we go around the room and say why we are glad we joined asa. its a nice thing for new girls to see how this organization changed our lives bc we always ask why we joined it but they hardly even know why we are glad we did. everyone ends up crying including the girls that are going through formal rush its just a really nice night