View Full Version : COB ideas

07-11-2001, 02:54 AM
Hi to all my Dee Gee sisters!
I am in charge of COB/Informal Recruitment this fall and am looking for low-budget, yet fun and unique COB party ideas. We tend to do the same thing year after year and I am trying to change things up a bit to break the monotony. Typically, we have an icebreaker/info night or just icebreaker/game nights. One of our most successful parties was last spring, which was a karaoke party. This got everyone loosened up and ready for a good time and really showed everyone's true colors. Both chapter members and rushees loved it!!
I'd really appreciate any ideas from out there. I'm looking forward to fall recruitment and to showing everyone that DG is the way to go but could use some outside input! Thanks!!

07-12-2001, 10:57 AM
Well, at Morehead, we did a Luau party...that went over really well, everyone wore something hawaian and there were lays and stuff like that....it was a lot of fun. Also, we had a tie-dye party. That was where we all tie-dyed a shirt or something. Both of these ideas were really great because you got to interact with different people the entire time. Good luck with COB!! I hope you can use my ideas!!!


07-22-2001, 12:27 AM
Hey Dee Gees!
Well, this past spring for our COB at North Florida, we had a Coffee House night. We got plain white coffee mugs for cheap, and we all decorated them with paint pens during the party. We also served hot chocolate and coffee. And we had someone come in who played the acoustic guitar to entertain us. It was a big success. Also, another night, we did a murder mystery game, which was alot of fun. You can buy the game at any Toys R Us. Hope I was of some help.

07-17-2002, 10:58 PM
We had Casino night... The sisters dress in red/white/black and sit at different tables, and have the PNM's teach them games and stuff... it got pretty rowdy at times, and it's hard to get to know details of a person (as far as credentials, GPA-type stuff, etc...) but you find out what kind of a person they are... For example, we played Egyptian Ratscrew, and one of the PNM's was really pushy about slapping hands and stuff like that. Kind of shows true colors that way.