View Full Version : diversity

04-19-2003, 03:24 PM
hey ya'll,
I'm beginning college this fall and my friends and i are going to rush. I have one friend that is African-American and she's worried about being the only african-american. Does KD have any African-American members? She's one of my best friends and she really wants to rush. Any info u could give would be great.
Thank u college bound
Catlin:D :D

04-19-2003, 05:45 PM
Yes, KD certainly has many members of all races and ethnic backgrounds, especially African American.

My big is African American, and one of my littles is Filipino, for example; and we have always had at a few in the chapter. For a small chapter (60), we've had and continue to have a lot of diversity. Looking at my composite on the wall I see members that are Latino, Chinese, Filipino, African American, Native American, etc.

Hope that answers your question.

04-19-2003, 05:48 PM
Here's another thread on the subject:

Another thread (http://greekchat.com/gcforums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=28296)

04-20-2003, 05:40 PM
Thank u so much for ur reply! My friend was overjoyed to find out that KD has women just like her. Thank u so much!