View Full Version : Best Practices

04-13-2001, 12:34 AM
Hey all,

I thought we could all share our "best practices" in achieving and maintaining good grades. I've read some great posts about groups achieving high scholarship..so spill! What methods do you use in:
Time Management
Paper Writing
Also, if you use campus or web resources, let's hear about those, too.

Phi Love,

04-13-2001, 02:30 PM
We have numerous programs, including study buddies, study hours, and some incentives. For instance, the person who improves the most on their GPA in a semester gets to go to the formal for free. This measure, instead of highest GPA, allows for those who have lower GPAs to still be in the running. For instance, if you have 3.5 and go up to a 3.6, that's great, but if you have a 2.5 and go to a 2.75, that's awesome. It keeps folks motivated too http://www.greekchat.com/forums/ubb/smile.gif

Delta Phi Epsilon, Celebrating 84 years of Dedication, Pride and Excellence!

04-18-2001, 03:09 PM
Thanks, Shadokat! To get the ball rolling further, I would like to share just some basic information that would be good to use for scholarship programming. Please, anyone, add your ideas, as well.

1. Go to class. Attendance in some situations is counted as part of the grade. Also, how can you learn if you did not make it to class?

2. Get there on time. Do you really want to be recognized as that student who ducks in five minutes into a lecture. Also, if you can get there early, you may have a chance to chat up the prof, or ask a question.

3. Be familiar with the syllabus. Better yet, keep it at the front of your notebook. Its good to know if your prof. expects you to READ and KNOW info, or just needs you to SKIM and get a BASIC IDEA. Be sure you understand the grading system early on. If 50% of your grade is your midterm exam, than you know to study good and hard for that bad boy. Also included in the syllabus is posted office hours, a phone number, an email address. If you find that you are missing a concept or are the slightest bit confused, utilize the office hours or email! You should have your questions answered, and maybe the prof. will keep in mind that you care about the class. The syllabus usually contains an assignment matrix-what's due and when. Keeping the syllabus handy is a good start to the semester.

4. Keep one notebook per class. Remember, in high school, when you could put multiple subjects in one notebook? Well, those days are over. Have a header or title page or a different color to differentiate. Keep the syllabus at the front. Make notes on the syllabus what grades you receive on your assignments. Sometimes profs like to take back your assignment or test after you've looked at your grade. It will also come in handy if you need to see your standing in the class.

To be continued..

Phi Love,

04-23-2001, 10:50 PM
Regarding tests. Make sure you set aside time in your schedule in ADVANCE to prepare for them. Go over the material once, twice, three times, then quiz yourself. Did you miss anything? That's ok, because you gave yourself plenty of time to PREPARE. So, take what you missed and work on that, then review again, then quiz yourself again. Is it an essay test? Think of what was pertinent in the class-this is likely to be what you will be asked about (unless your prof gave you study questions, lucky!). Start writing the answers to questions with information you took notes on, or is in your book. Put it away for a day. Then, take your answers, and form them into your own words. Say it aloud, as if you are having a conversation with someone about the subject. Oh, and please PLEASE get a good night's rest before the test. Its hard to think and perform when you are feeling.....soooooooo sleeeeeeeeeeeeepyyyyyyyyZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. And eat something decent beforehand. No, a pack of gummy bears will not suffice. Stay calm, the answers will come to you if you are well-prepared.

Phi Love,

04-24-2001, 12:31 AM
Steph -
This is all really great advice - and I would love to hear more if you can think of anything else http://www.greekchat.com/forums/ubb/biggrin.gif This is all stuff that's like, duh! obviously i'm going to go to class, be on time, and keep a notebook - but these friendly reminders definitly help keep me on track and organized!

06-20-2001, 10:54 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by shadokat:
[B] For instance, the person who improves the most on their GPA in a semester gets to go to the formal for free.

what a cool idea! i've been looking for a nice incentive to encourage my guys to improve their gpas. here i was going to take them out to dinner one night.

Here's my scholarship plan for the semester, any comments or suggestions are always apreciated

Scholarship Chair
Tau Kappa Epsilon: Mu Omega Chapter
George Mason University

06-20-2001, 11:48 AM
GMUTEKE - that's fabulous! I love how you have every thing spelled out that needs to be done and you even offer suggestions as to what can be done to satisfy scholarship hours. way to go, that's great!