View Full Version : Rush ideas for small sorority

Lucky Charms
06-19-2000, 08:14 PM
I need some creative rush ideas for a small sisterhood(20). We can't do rush with nationals so we are on our own, and the alumni (15) are all over the country/world so they aren;t going to be much help

06-20-2000, 02:55 AM
Are you looking for ideas on rush parties and activities? What specifically are you looking for?

Kappa Alpha Theta
Beta Gamma Chapter
Colorado State University
"Where twin stars shine bright!"
Live the dream - go Theta!

02-08-2001, 10:11 AM
My local sorority does rush with the nationals and our rush ideas are getting old. Anyone have any new idea??

02-08-2001, 04:41 PM
what kind of sorority are you in? Is it a professional sorority? What is your objective? If you want, you can email me at mgomez1@lsu.edu

I am also in a small sorority and I was the rush chairman this semester and will be for next fall. Let me know some more info , so that I can try to help you out a bit ok? Email me, hope to hear from you soon.

Sigma Alpha-
Greek letters today, Great leaders tomorrow