View Full Version : New Archon... Any Advice??

10-22-2001, 01:16 AM
We held elections tonight, and guess who is the new archon?... ME!:D Any advice??

10-22-2001, 03:07 AM
I don't really have much advice to give because I have never held this position. But I guess advice I can give from a member of the pyramid is don't let anyone get you down. This will be a very demanding position as you know. My best friend is currently our archon and I see many times that sisters try to get to her or take advantage of her but she is a strong person and knows better than to let it get to her. Also make sure you delegate things out and don't let everything fall on you. That is what you have your committes for. I don't really know what else advice to give...like I said I've never had this position. But CONGRATULATIONS and I'm sure you will do a wonderful job... good luck.

11-02-2001, 01:00 PM
Hey there,
My advice:
Be confident - don't let anyone second guess your decisions(unless they go through the proper channels).

Be organized - this applies to many areas. You are responsible for your chapter so make sure you know what is coming up and that the officer responsible knows what they are doing.

Be respectful - this is self-evident, but you have to make sure that to be respected by your members you have to respect them.

Keep personal and business separate - you've probably heard this before, but it is important. I'm an easy going person, so when it came to chapter business I pretty much got stepped all over. My members couldn't differentiate between Jen the friend and Jen the archon, so they treated both the same.

take charge! - I know there are officers there to help you, but if you see a problem fix it. I tried waiting around to let the MAL do her job properly and that caused a lot of problems.

Well, really everything is pretty straight forward. Just familiarize yourself with the chapter's needs and with the tools available to you including personnel like your RCD and DCP and the year will fly by.

Good Luck with the year.

11-15-2001, 01:01 AM
Congrats on being elected Archon! It was the best thing that every happened to me. I have served two terms and I couldn't have asked for anything better. I thought that moosegirl had a lot of good points. The thing that works best for me is to understand what happens in every position. After every eboard I meet with a different position to see if they need any help, to voice concerns, and to just get the scoop on what's going on with them. Luckily most of my eboard is really on top of things. If you know how to plan the next few events, you can kind of check on the ones who are supposed to be doing it to make sure that they are planning it so that you are not clueless.

The biggest thing I learned was that sometimes you can separate things from business and personal, but a lot of your sisters can not. You just have to lead by example and be as mature as you can no matter what the situation.

I definitely think that if you want to be Archon and you feel you were born to be Archon, you will be a great Archon!

Diokete Hupsala!!